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Reno Rudiman

Reno Rudiman

Digestive Surgeon
Hasan Sadikin Hospital


Reno Rudiman is a Digestive Surgeon at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung, Indonesia. Rudiman completed his Master’s degree at the University of Aberdeen, UK, and he was awarded his PhD from the Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. He also finished his training in general surgery and digestive surgery in the Universitas Padjadjaran. Up till now, he has published numerous national as well as international publications on surgery. Rudiman has a special interest in minimal invasive surgery. Rudiman is a national faculty member of the Indonesian Society of Endolaparoscopic Surgery, and regularly teaches endolaparoscopy in national courses.

Research Interest

His research interest is Gastroenterology, Laparoscopy and Minimal Invasive Surgery.